by theethicalagency | Mar 24, 2019
HOME APPROACH CONSULTING PROJECTS SHADE ARTICLES CONTACT VLEIHUIS DEVELOPMENT LINDEN JOHANNESBURG This project’s brief stated that the intent is to lead in every way in the architectural innovation of sustainability principals. The application of these principals...
by theethicalagency | Mar 24, 2019
HOME APPROACH CONSULTING PROJECTS SHADE ARTICLES CONTACT HIGHVELD HOUSE MELROSE JOHANNESBURG This project’s brief stated that the client desired a passive house (no mechanical ventilation), designed specifically against the cold of the Highveld winter. Sustainability...
by theethicalagency | Mar 24, 2019
HOME APPROACH CONSULTING PROJECTS SHADE ARTICLES CONTACT ELEPHANT MIGRATION ROUTE JOHANNESBURG This conceptual project’s brief was to re-imagine the City of Johannesburg if it had to increase its citizen base to endangered wildlife. How might the city have to change...
by Fanele2017 | Mar 13, 2017
HOME APPROACH CONSULTING PROJECTS SHADE ARTICLES CONTACT VULTURE CLINIC JOHANNESBURG Melville Koppies is a national monument and comprises of complex social systems and historical artefacts. The intervention was thus sited on the most ecologically damaged area of the...
by Fanele2017 | Mar 13, 2017
HOME APPROACH CONSULTING PROJECTS SHADE ARTICLES CONTACT VULTURE AVIARY MAGALIESBERG The cape vulture is South Africa’s only endemic vulture species. it is classified as vulnerable, yet as an endemic species it is classified as endangered (between 8 – 10 000...