by Marc Sherratt | Oct 29, 2021 | Green Architect, Net Zero Buildings, Sustainable architecture, Sustainable lifestyle
An African Perspective Biodiversity loss now a global risk Biodiversity is defined as the variety of living species within a certain natural habitat. The World Economic Forum now rates Biodiversity loss in the top 5 global risks in its Global Risk report for 2020....
by Marc Sherratt | Oct 29, 2021 | Sustainability Architecture, Sustainable lifestyle
Runner up, 2019 – 2020 This was awarded by the Green Building Council of South Africa to Marc Sherratt for House Baldwin Ragaven in Parktown West. This award recognizes cutting edge and innovative outcomes in terms of Net Zero in SA, with this...
by Marc Sherratt | Oct 29, 2021 | Green Architect, Net Zero Buildings, Sustainable architecture, Sustainable lifestyle
Managing Director & Professional Architect at Marc Sherratt, Sustainable Architects (MSSA) Why “going green” is biblical They say if you want to keep a friendship don’t bring up politics or religion. When these subjects are brought up an icy atmosphere fills the...
by Marc Sherratt | Oct 29, 2021 | Green Architect, Net Zero Buildings, Sustainable architecture, Sustainable lifestyle
By Marc SherrattManaging Director & Professional Architect at Marc Sherratt, Sustainable Architects (MSSA) A vision for Johannesburg’s public parks The failure of the garden city Don’t we all love the wonderful purity of an expansive green lawn, people picnicking...